Wednesday, March 23, 2011

My take of the End of Days...

"And they lived Happily ever after.. the end".

What do you think happens after? Do they really live happily ever after? A sequel? Or do they fade away just as you close the book only to replay their roles again when you reopen them?

Ladies and gentlemen, stories & and books that hold them have been with civilization ever since men could read and write.

They told tales of their everyday life. And they told inspirational tales so we could have something to believe in.

But let us take a journey to the other side of the page. What would it be like being the literal character on the page?

We would replay our story again and again and again and at the end of the Book which is our world. We cease to exist. Only to be reborn again so history would repeat itself to the next reader.

Ladies and gentlemen,

And what if you were the hero of the book? Heroes usually start out from scratch and have a role to fulfill. And as long as the goal is not met, the story moves on. And only when everything is airy fairy. the story board is dumped.

It is with every story known to man, the hero must be elliminated by story. It escapes no storyline, the Matrix, Cinderella, Memoirs of a Geisha, even our books of inspiration and culture. We all find a character we love and kill it in the end.

Ladies and gentlemen,

Let me then add on to this point of view. What if we were the characters, and the world was our book. Let me say this again. What if we were the characters in this history line, and the world is our book?

And what if you were the "hero" that is destined to fulfill your destiny. But inreturn you would have to be eliminated.

What would you do to save the world? What would you give up to save our world?

Ladies and Gentlemen, Every religion has taught the concept of impermenance. Christians and Islam believe in the end of days and today's philosophers also came up with the proverb 'You can never put your feet in the same river twice.

So ladies and gentlemen, Look at the East, The World is about to turn a page. Destroying lives and civilizations. Look to the West, Rioting and revolutions. And look at us? Debating on who is Datuk T.

Ladies and Gentlemen, The world is changing. We can no longer sit here and lay ourselves back while everyone around us are fighting for change.

We MUST Change ourselves! We must save the people we love before the page is turned. Many say its a speculation and that the World won't end in 2012.

But what if its true? So what is the solution to this? Do we build an Arc to save ourselves? Do we build Space Ships to move out until everything is cleared?

Honestly, That is within the resources of the government and the Will of God to spare us. What we can do now is this.

Learn something new, cherish your lives with love ones. and make more goals in your life to achieve. So at least when the time comes, you will have something to believe in. You will have something to live for.

Ladies and gentlemen. Thank you for listening.